Nail? Meet Coffin.
As if we didn't have enough evidence that Ben Domenech was not the smartest hire at the Post, here is one more example.
It would appear that Ben Domenech is a plagiarist.
Thanks to Oregon Guy and anon, we find out that Ben's lyrical stylings on a real party are completely lifted from P.J. O'Rourke's "Modern Manners" - a chapter entitled "Real Parties." I should have known as this is one of the gifts my older brother gave me years ago that did not involve punching me in the nads.
O'Rourke, p.176: Office Christmas parties • Wine-tasting parties • Book-publishing parties • Parties with themes, such as "Las Vegas Nite" or "Waikiki Whoopee" • Parties at which anyone is wearing a blue velvet tuxedo jacketAnd on and on it goes. How do we know this wasn't some misunderstanding? Because BenDom adapted his column to include particular William & Mary references such as the fraternity Psu-U, former President of the College Tim Sullivan, and Sam Sadler, vice president for student affairs.
BenDom: Christmas parties. Wine tasting parties. Book publishing parties. Parties with themes, such as "Las Vegas Nite" or "Waikiki Whoopee." Parties at which anyone is wearing a blue velvet tuxedo jacket.
O'Rourke: It's not a real party if it doesn't end in an orgy or a food fight. • All your friends should still be there when you come to in the morning.
BenDom: It's not a real party if it doesn't end in an orgy or a food fight. All your friends should still be there when you come to in the morning.
Been nice knowing you, Ben. Thanks for the memories.
Update: BenDom is back online and issues a weak-ass apology for calling Coretta Scott King a communist. It would seem, then, that he is indeed Augustine of Red State. He also tries to convince that he likes the attention. I don't think you'll like this latest bit, friend.
Update #2: Wouldn't you know it, BenDom had something to say about plagiarism:
And who says there's no fallout from plagiarism? 2/27/02Fall-out, huh? For the record, William & Mary has strict policies against plagiarism which cover works "submitted for publication in a College-sponsored or other publication."
In other words, famous people can get away with plagiarism as long as they're generous with the positive blurbs. 2/25/02
Chatterbox has a solution to the plagiarism epidemic.... 1/29/02
Update #3: Alex Koppelman points out a quote from an article BenDom wrote for NRO in which he goes all Red Dawn on Rolling Stone:
Indeed, the only solid articles still to be found inside RS's pages are ones by P.J. O'Rourke (their occasional political correspondent).Ben Domenech. Pure Comedy Gold.
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